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Boundary and Neighbour Disputes

Boundary and Neighbour Disputes

Bexleyheath, Blackheath & Petts Wood

Unfortunately, from time to time disagreements arise between neighbours. This can be to do with issues regarding the correct positing of boundary features such as walls and fences, anti-social behaviour or use of a right of way.

When these disputes happen, it can be distressing for everyone involved, particularly if the dispute concerns the home you live in. At Aletta Shaw our aim is to help you resolve these disputes as quickly and as amicably as possible. However, this is not always possible and if necessary, we can also help to advise you through the Court process.

Boundary agreements

When there is a dispute about a boundary it may assist to have a boundary agreement drawn up. If you are having a dispute about a boundary, we can assist by advising you about your legal position and if a boundary agreement would be appropriate. We can also draft this for you once an agreement has been reached.

Rights of way

Disagreements about a right of way are common. Often there are historical documents associated with the property that can be ambiguous and difficult to understand. Not only that but in some circumstances a right of way can arise by virtue of the fact that it has been in use for a certain number of years.
If you think you have the benefit of a right of way we can assist by looking at the title documents associated with your property and the neighbouring properties and advise you about your legal position.
If there is a dispute about the use or misuse of a right of way we can also assist to advise you about your legal position and help resolve any disputes.

Adverse possession

If you believe that you own a piece of land and you have been using and maintaining it for many years but later find out that it is unregistered or registered to another person, it may be that you can make an application to the land registry to register yourself as the proprietor of that land. Any other parties who may also have an interested will be notified and the matter decided either by the Land Registry or at a Tribunal hearing.
We can advise you about your legal position and any potential issues with your case. If necessary, we can also assist you with either making or objecting to a Land Registry application.

For more information judgments or to book a consultation contact us on 020 8301 4884.

For more information on insolvency proceedings or to book a consultation contact us on 020 8301 4884.

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